Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 3 - 6.18

Robin was back today. The weather was supposed to be a bit chilly and rainy in the afternoon. It wasn't. It was sunny and nice all day. No pics today (I had some challenges with the camera charging). We went for a 2-hour bike ride through the country roads of Harbert and Sawyer. We saw some miniature ponies and Bailey loved them. We got some good beach time in the afternoon and went out to dinner. A nice day for all.

We are looking forward to friends coming in tomorrow and Friday for the weekend. The weather does not look like its going to be cooperating but we have our fingers crossed.

Quick thoughts:

- Our friends Jenny and John just started their blog... add it to your list these guys are awesome.

- My favorite line so far from the book I am reading, Earth: The Sequel. A proponent of capturing carbon dioxide from power plants and reuse it to produce biofuels was describing his thoughts on carbon capture and underground storage:
"We spend enormous amounts of money to dig holes to get carbon out of the ground, and the best fix we can come up with is to dig more holes and put it back in? That's something your dog might think to do."
- Ray Hobbs, APS Future Fuels Program

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