Monday, July 9, 2007

Day 2: Why does the blog have a black background?

The short answer: Mike is a bit of a treehugger.

The longer answer, Mike believes the rationale that a screen with a black background requires less energy (in the form of electricity) to operate than a screen with a white background. Same idea as the screen saver. Though I took the idea from the developers of:

Its a google supported search engine but with a black background, instead of white.

Since the M.H.Edison blog will be visited by millions a day, I really felt the need to do my part to reduce the footprint of our digital existence. Every Watt reduced is a bit of carbon not going into the atmosphere and I am all about that! Sure, once the U.S. establishes and achieves a meaningful RPS (renewable portfolio standard) I will switch to a white background and suck those renewable energy units up (okay, just kidding, energy efficiency is much more important... so I will stick with black).

To my non-greenish friends and family members, worry not, this blog is not going to be all about sustainable living issues, but they will likely pop up from time to time as its part of RD, B-han and I's day to day.

For everybody, maybe you will see something you like, maybe something you disagree with... either way, comment away and let me know how we are over reacting, not doing enough or just flat out doing it wrong!

see you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babe, you are such a dork, but a very irresistable one. ;) Love you!